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Somewhere between holding on and letting go, I lost the part of myself that believed things could ever be okay again. I keep waiting for a moment of clarity, a glimpse of light to break through the clouds, but all I see is the same empty sky that mocks me with its indifference. Every step I take feels like walking through quicksand, sinking deeper with every breath, and I wonder if I’ll ever find solid ground again, or if I’m destined to wander forever, searching for a home that no longer exists. “在坚持和放手之间,我失去了相信自己一切都会好起来的那一部分。我一直在等待一个清晰的时刻,一束光穿透云层,但我看到的只是同样冷漠的空旷天空。我每走一步都感觉像是在流沙中行走,每一次呼吸都让我陷得更深,我不知道自己是否还能找到坚实的地面,或者我是否注定要永远游荡,寻找一个不再存在的家。
很喜歡阿奶說的這句話:「當你真正被愛的時候,其實根本不用那麼漂亮,那麼迎合,那麼優秀,你要知道,踮起腳尖的喜歡是站不穩的,真正喜歡你的人是會彎腰的。」 「真正愛你的人,是先低頭等你情緒穩定了,再教你人情事故,真正適合你的人不是你拼命去追趕的人,而是當你累的時候拉著你的手不放開的 林徽因也曾說過:「很多人喜歡你,因為你漂亮好看,會說話,有趣好玩,這些喜歡都暗含著很多期望。而有的人喜歡你,是看見你哭和狼狽,知道你辛苦和平凡,允許你不美又不乖,還想把肩膀和糖果都塞給你。」 「任何關係,懂得服軟,輪流認輸,才不會走散,世上本就沒有什麼天生般配的人,不過是一個懂得包容遷就,一個懂得適可而止。」 很喜歡的一段話:「你們彼此間會有一種與生俱來的信任感,用自己蕞真實的樣子愛與被愛,我愛你,如你所是。」真正的愛情,會接納你所有的不完美,讓你因此變得更加完整。」 「人與人之間,若靈魂不能共振,交流不能同頻,那最後也只能成為陌路。」 「所以,真正的愛情絕不是權衡利弊之後,覺得你適合過日子,而是因為你是你,喜歡一個人是會願意為她做出犧牲的,他會在意你的情緒,照顧你的感受。你永遠是他的第一優選項。
I used to think peace was something external, something I could only find once my circumstances were perfect. But now, I understand that peace is something I can cultivate within myself, no matter what’s going on around me. It’s in the moments when I choose to pause, to breathe, and to connect with the present. It’s in the gratitude I feel for simply being alive, for the opportunity to experience life in all its messiness and beauty. 我曾经认为和平是外在的,只有在我的环境完美时才能找到。但现在,我明白和平是我可以在自己内心培养的东西,无论周围发生什么。它存在于我选择暂停、呼吸并与现在连接的时刻。它存在于我对活着的感激之情中,也存在于体验生活中所有混乱和美丽的机会中。 — Danielle
村口的狗叫了, 其他的狗也会跟着叫, 但它们并不知道为什么。 当浑浊成为一种常态, 清白也是一种罪过。 ——鲁迅 这就像是当浑浊与虚伪成为了一种普遍的社会常态,那些坚守本心、秉持清白的人,反而会被误解,甚至被指责为罪过。在这样的环境下,保持一份清醒与独立,显得尤为艰难,但唯有如此,我们才能不迷失于混沌之中,守护住内心的那份纯真与正义。
i wish the world was kinder. a little softer on those who are healing, grieving, waiting, or just starting to understand how lonely the road can be. may we greet one another with the same kind of light that we ourselves are searching for. just because we look strong doesn't mean we feel strong 我希望世界更友善。 对那些正在康复、悲伤、等待或刚刚开始理解这条路有多孤独的人,要稍微温柔一些。 让我们用我们自己正在寻找的那种光明来互相问候。 仅仅因为我们看起来强大并不意味着我们感觉强大
北风在吹着清冷的街道 街灯在拉开长长的影子 走过的路 想过的事 仿佛越来越远 越来越长 越来越多 越难以抛开 多少平淡日子以来的夜晚 你曾是我渴望拥有的期盼 太多分手的记忆 仿佛越来越远 越来越长 越来越多 越难以抛开 没有人能挽回时间的狂流 没有人能誓言相许永不分离 是我的错 是你错过 喔 没有人能挽回时间的狂流 没有人能了解聚散之间的定义 太多遗憾 太多伤感 留在心中 像一道狂流
生活很少会沿着我们想象中的直线前进。它充满了意想不到的转折,高潮和低谷,怀疑的时刻,和清晰的时刻。但正是在这些曲折中,我们找到了成长。 每一次绕行都教会我们一些在直线上永远学不到的东西。起伏让我们充满喜悦,提醒我们力量,而低谷虽然具有挑战性,却塑造了我们的韧性,加深了我们的智慧。当你走过这条路时,这条路可能并不总是有意义的,但请相信,每一步,每一弯曲,都在引导你到达你应该到达的地方。 Life rarely follows the straight path we imagine. It’s filled with unexpected turns, highs and lows, moments of doubt, and moments of clarity. But it’s in these twists and turns that we find growth. Each detour teaches us something we might never have learned on a straight line. The ups fill us with joy and remind us of our strength, while the downs, though challenging, shape our resilience and deepen our wisdom. The path may not always make sense as you walk it, but trust that every step, every curve, is leading you to where you’re meant to be.
Life is a fingerprint that cannot be duplicated. So make the best impression with it. Live it. Love it. Don’t waste a single moment of your life, because, time has no holiday. Dreams have no expiry date. And life has no pause button. So instead of wasting your time whining, use it to assess what knowledge and additional skills you can gain. Memories remind us that nothing last forever, you can be happy today and sad tomorrow, time is precious and should not be wasted. Embrace every moment, savor every experience, and fill your days with love, laughter, and purpose. The clock keeps ticking, so make your days count. Live with aspiration, love with abandon, and leave your mark on the world. May you find joy in every sunrise, strength in every challenge, and peace in every breath. 生命是一个无法复制的指纹,所以要让它留下最好的印象。 过好它,爱它。不要浪费你生命中的每一刻,因为,时间没有假期。 梦想没有截止日期,生活也没有暂停键。所以,与其浪费时间抱怨,不如利用它来评估你能获得哪些知识和额外技能。 回忆提醒我们,没有什么是永恒的,今天可以是快乐的,明天可以是悲伤的,时间宝贵,不应被浪费。拥抱每一个时刻,品味每一次经历,让爱、欢笑和目的填满你的每一天。
Void, her eternal soulmate in the darkness. Its silent embrace is her sanctuary, where she's cradled in infinite love. “虚空,她在黑暗中的永恒灵魂伴侣。它的沉默拥抱是她的庇护所,她在那里被无限的爱所拥抱着。” -瓦达????