We only have a fleeting moment in time, my love, but a blink of an eye. A precious chance to get lost in the depths of each other's eyes, to feel the warmth of each other's embrace, to hear the sound of each other's laughter, and to experience the tenderness of each other's touch. So, in this moment let us love each other so completely that it ripples out through all eternity. Let us love each other from the depths of our souls, so one day when our bodies are no more, our love will forever be. 我的爱,我们只有短暂的瞬间,但转瞬即逝。这是一个宝贵的机会,让我们迷失在彼此眼中的深处,感受彼此拥抱的温暖,听到彼此笑声的声音,体验彼此触碰的温柔。所以,让我们在这个时刻完全地爱对方,让它穿越永恒。让我们从灵魂深处彼此相爱,这样有一天当我们的身体不再存在时,我们的爱将永远存在。
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At one point in my life I come to the realization that I've done and thought too much for the others. That the only thing I need right now is the time for Myself. A time to think about My own life, My own feelings. 'Cause in the end, no one will really care about you and your feelings, unless you do it yourself. 在我生命中的某个时刻,我意识到我为别人做了太多,想得太多了。我现在唯一需要的就是为自己留出时间。一个思考我自己的生活,我的感受的时间。 因为到最后,没有人会真正关心你和你自己的感受,除非你自己去做。
Dear me, I am sorry. I'm sorry that you tried so desperately to fix others, when your own hands were shaking. I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough time to heal, that I let you seal the wounds of everyone else whilst your own were bleeding. I'm sorry that there were days when smiling hurt but you forced yourself to laugh so that no one had to worry about you. I'm sorry that you gave all of your time and effort to people that didn't give the same amount back. I'm sorry that there were nights when you cried yourself to sleep and no one bothered to understand why. And I am so sorry that I did not love you, like you deserved to be loved. 亲爱的自己 对不起,我很抱歉你如此拼命地试图修复他人,而你的双手却在颤抖。我很抱歉我没有给你足够的时间去治愈,我让你封住了其他人的伤口,而你的伤口却在流血。 我很抱歉有些日子微笑会伤害你,但你强迫自己笑,这样没有人需要担心你。我很抱歉你把所有的时间和精力都给了那些没有给予同等回报的人。 我很抱歉有些夜晚你哭着入睡,而没有人费心去理解为什么。我真的很抱歉,我没有像你应得的那样爱你。”
我和谁都不争, 和谁争我都不屑; 我爱大自然, 其次就是艺术; 我双手烤着, 生命之火取暖; 火萎了,我也准备走了。 ——[英]兰德(杨绛译)
每朵花都想變成果實, 每個早晨想變成夜晚, 塵世上沒有永恆的事物, 只有流逝,只有變遷。 夏天再美可是它也想,感受秋天和枯葉。 別動,樹葉, 你別忙,當秋風急欲將你誘拐。 玩你的遊戲,不要抗爭, 讓這件事悄悄發生吧。 讓刮掉你的秋風,把你帶回老家。 ——赫塞
We only have a fleeting moment in time, my love, but a blink of an eye. A precious chance to get lost in the depths of each other's eyes, to feel the warmth of each other's embrace, to hear the sound of each other's laughter, and to experience the tenderness of each other's touch. So, in this moment let us love each other so completely that it ripples out through all eternity. Let us love each other from the depths of our souls, so one day when our bodies are no more, our love will forever be. 我的爱,我们只有短暂的瞬间,但转瞬即逝。这是一个宝贵的机会,让我们迷失在彼此眼中的深处,感受彼此拥抱的温暖,听到彼此笑声的声音,体验彼此触碰的温柔。所以,让我们在这个时刻完全地爱对方,让它穿越永恒。让我们从灵魂深处彼此相爱,这样有一天当我们的身体不再存在时,我们的爱将永远存在。
願我們,都有能力愛自己,有餘力愛別人 我喜歡那些用心經營生活,沉浸在自己小世界裏的人,只有試過的人才知道這也是一種天賦和能力。 人生中有無數個這樣的時刻,萬念俱灰之時是他們勾起了我對生活的嚮往,真心的覺得,有些人是通過愛自己,愛生活,而改變過這個世界的。 歲月的美在於流逝,花開花落間,光陰沉澱了年少輕狂,也懂得了冷暖自知,生活,苦樂皆有,離合盡在。 保持對生活的愛和熱枕,歲月也定會與你溫柔相待,歲月的確殘忍,但也溫柔,它拿走一些東西,也會給予一些補償。 努力戒掉一切不必要的依賴和玻璃心,兩全之策,人生百年,不過是教人如何取捨。 珍惜當下所擁有的事物,享受此刻所擁有的生活才是最好的活法,對自己好點,因為一輩子不長,對身邊的人好點,因為下輩子不一定能夠遇見,感謝生命中所有的善意,讓我學會做最好的自己。 生活或許總有遺憾,但未來依舊美好,生命的豐盈在於內心的飽滿。 願我們,都有能力愛自己,有餘力愛別人!
You're so hard on yourself. But remember, everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud. Take a moment. Sit back. Marvel at your life; at the mistakes that gave you wisdom, at the suffering that gave you strength. Despite everything, you still move forward, be proud of this. Continue to endure. Continue to persevere. And remember, no matter how dark it gets, the sun will rise again. 你对自己太苛刻了。但请记住,每个人都有不无法言说的人生篇。花点时间,去回忆,你会惊叹于你的生活;惊叹于那些给你智慧的错误,惊叹于那些给你力量的痛苦。尽管一切,你仍在前进,为此感到自豪。继续忍耐。继续坚持。记住,无论多么黑暗,太阳都会再次升起。
她是「火花」,己盡力燃燒過。如今,當火焰將熄之前,她選擇這種方式,翩然歸去。 先生好走!
If you were to ask me how I found my way through the most difficult parts of my life, I would tell you this, ‘I pay attention to beauty’. And by this, I mean that I have taught myself how to look for the details that make up the delicate bones of the world around me,the things that tiptoe quietly on gentle feet, that don’t announce their presence in a loud voice .. 如果你问我如何度过人生中最艰难的部分,我会告诉你, “我关注美丽。”我的意思是,我自学了如何寻找构成我周围世界微妙构架的细节,以及如何寻找到那些用温柔的脚步悄悄踮起脚尖的事物,然而它们不会大声宣布自己的存在。 ~莉泽尔·格雷厄姆